
Elisa A. Garza

August 14, 2022

We argue, squawking and territorial

like Blue Jays afraid of losing 

when we should be nesting,

creating a safe secure place 

for our children to learn.

Schools are not that haven,

but we hover and dive,

pecking at the other jays

instead of talking honestly

about what guns are for,

who should have rights to them,

how to secure a school building

so guns and their shooters stay out,

so children can learn in peace,

about peace and peacemaking,

can learn to solve this problem

for once, for always, for all of us.

Elisa A. Garza, a native Houstonian, has published two chapbooks, Entre la Claridad (Mouthfeel Press, soon to appear in a second edition) and Familia (The Portlandia Group). She has taught students from elementary through senior citizens in public schools, universities, and community programs. Currently, she works as a freelance editor.


The Emptiness of Hollow Men


Hero of Sutherland Springs